그리스도의 편지
삶의 목적
2015. 11. 3. 06:41
"당신 삶의 참 목적은 생각과 느낌으로 '근원'에 다다르고 끊임없이 깨달음을 간구함으로써 에고에 통달하는 것이다. 에고 충동을 계속 정화함으로써 신성을 접하고 앞으로 나아가, 당신 영혼이 나와서 개체가 된 '천국 상태'로 다시 들어가는 그 영광스런 순간을 향해 가려면 취해야 하는 첫단계가 바로 이것이다."
"[Your True Purpose in Life] is to gain the mastery of your ego by reaching out in thought and feeling to [That] [Which you sense is behind Creation] and consistently asking for enlightenment. This is the very first step a person must take toward that glorious moment when h/she will make contact with the Divine and then move forward by means of continual cleansing of the ego-drive, to the re-entry into that 'heavenly state' out of which your soul was born and took its individuality(from 'Christ's Letters 2000 A.D.')."
주) 'That Which you sense is behind Creation'을 근원(Souce)과 동의어로 봄. 제가 볼 때 불교의 정혜 쌍수와 견성 요결이 여기에 들어 있습니다.
"[Your True Purpose in Life] is to gain the mastery of your ego by reaching out in thought and feeling to [That] [Which you sense is behind Creation] and consistently asking for enlightenment. This is the very first step a person must take toward that glorious moment when h/she will make contact with the Divine and then move forward by means of continual cleansing of the ego-drive, to the re-entry into that 'heavenly state' out of which your soul was born and took its individuality(from 'Christ's Letters 2000 A.D.')."
주) 'That Which you sense is behind Creation'을 근원(Souce)과 동의어로 봄. 제가 볼 때 불교의 정혜 쌍수와 견성 요결이 여기에 들어 있습니다.